Orders can be placed by phone or by email. For orders with 300+ samples or orders that you plan to break up into multiple, separate shipments, please contact Aubry by email at aubry.field@lizzyblossom.com or by phone at 312.601.9987.
Order by Email: testing@lizzyblossom.com
Order by Phone: 773.230.9915
Information can be found at https://lizzyblossom.com/support/shipping-samples/.
Payment is due within 30 days of receiving an invoice. Payment can be made by check or bank transfer.
For other questions about placing an order, please contact us by email or by phone.
Email: testing@lizzyblossom.com
Phone: 773.230.9915
Lizzy Blossom LLC
387 Shuman Blvd.
Suite 130W
Naperville, IL 60563